Official site of Ray Ramon. Featuring news, music and official videos.

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Ray Ramon is a Nigerian Born Australian Singer-Songwriter, Music Producer and Actor. Ray has won several music awards such as Winning Best Male Gospel Artist at the Afro/Australian Music and Movie Awards 2011 held in Sydney, Australia Best Contemporary Christian Producer 2012 at the Indie Music Channel Awards held at the House of Blues, Hollywood, USA Best R&B Video at the 2013 2nd Indie Music Channel Awards held in L.A Ray's musical influences originated from watching the King of Pop Michael Jackson perform some of his greatest Hits to Gospel Artist Don Moen's soulful songwriting style. Ray draws inspiration from his personal life experience(s) and in 2012 introduced his wife Jenni Lea Ramon as co-writer to his music on an Interview with Jill Emberson of 1233 ABC Newcastle. Ray Ramon lives in Newcastle, Australia with his wife Jenni Lea Ramon and their kids.